2012年12月22日 星期六


異物侵入保護等級IP的表示方法 ■IP說明 IP(Ingress Protection)為BS EN 60529:1992(IEC 60529:1989)的規格,其目的在於規範固形異物和水,對電氣產品外殼異物侵入保護等級的表示 IEC=International Electrotechnical Commission The IP (Ingress Protection) rating system provides a means of classifying the degrees of protection from foreign bodies and liquids afforded by electrical equipment and enclosures.
The system is set in a number of British and European standards. These include BS EN 60529:1992 (IEC 60529:1989) Classification of Degrees of Protection by enclosures, BS 60947-1:1992 (IEC 144:1963) Specification for Degrees of Protection of Enclosures of Switchgear and Control Gear for Voltages up to and Including 1000V AC and 1200V DC. ■IP表示說明 不知道為什麼有些圖出不來。20100823 第一記號說明(Description of 1st number)人體和固形異物的保護(Degree of protection against solid foreign objects) 第一記號(1st number)內容(Description)保護的程度(Degree of protection)測試(test) 0無保護(Non-protected)- 1大於直徑50mm的固形物的保護(Protected against solid foreign objects of 50mm diameter and greater) 人體的表面積的大部份,無法接觸到電器內部。超過直徑50mm的固形物,無法侵入內部。(The object probe, sphere of 50mm diameter shall not fully penetrate) 2大於直徑12.5mm的固形物的保護(Protected against solid foreign objects of 12.5mm diameter and greater)手指及長80mm的類似物,無法接觸到電器內部。超過直徑12.5mm的固形物,無法侵入內部。(The object probe, sphere of 12.5mm diameter shall not fully penetrate) 3大於直徑2.5mm的固形物的保護(Protected against solid foreign objects of 2.5mm diameter and greater)直徑2.5mm類的工具或儀器,無法侵入內部。(The object probe, sphere of 2.5mm diameter shall not penetrate at all) 4 大於直徑1.0mm的固形物的保護 (Protected against solid foreign objects of 1.0mm diameter and greater)直徑1.0mm類的工具或儀器,無法侵入內部。(The object prob 聖誕結e, sphere of 1.0mm diameter shall not penetrate) 5粉塵保護(Dust protected)防止粉塵侵入,即使有若干的粉塵侵入,也不妨害電器的運轉。 (Ingress of dust is not totally prevented, but dust shall not penetrate in a quiantity to interfere with satisfactory operation of the apparatus or to impair safety) 測試環境:The enclosures are exposed to fine-grained circulating talcum powder in a dust chamber for 2- 8 hours, with the exposure time being determined by the test conditions for the specific item. This test is performed with a maximum depressure of 20 mbar inside the item under test, and with a maximum extraction rateof 60 volumes/hour.If specific product standards so permit, testing is performed without depressure for eight hours. 6 防塵型(Dust tight) 禁止粉塵侵入內部(No ingress of dust) 測試環境:The enclosures are exposed to fine-grained circulating talcum powder(滑石粉) in a dust chamber for 2~8 hours, with the exposure time being determined by the test conditions for the specific item. This test is performed with a maximum depressure of 20 mbar inside the item under test, and with a maximum extraction rateof 60 volumes/hour. 第二記號說明(Description of 2nd number)水侵入的保護(Degree of protection against water )第二記號(2nd number) 內容(Description)保護的程度(Degree of protection)測試(test) 0無保護 (Non-protected) - 1垂直滴下水的保護(Protected against vertically falling water drops)垂直落下的水滴,不會有有害的影響。(Vertically falling water drops shall have no harmful effects) 測試環境:The enclosure is exposed to dripping water, with a flow rate of 1 mm/min, for 10 minutes. 215度傾斜滴下的水的保護(Protected against vertically falling water drops when enclosure tilted up to 15 degrees) 在正常的位置,產品在15度傾斜的範圍下,垂直落下的水滴,不會有有害的影響。 (Vertically falling water drops shall have no harmful effects when the enclosure is tilted at any angle up to 15 degrees on eit 聖誕節的由來her side of the vertical axis) 測試環境:The enclosure is exposed to dripping water during 4 x 2.5 minutes, with a flow rate of 3 mm/min.The enclosure is tested in 4 fixed inclinations 15°from normal position. 3噴霧水的保護(Protected against spraying water)由垂直軸的60度的範圍內,任一方向的噴霧水,不會有有害的影響。 (Water sprayed at an angle up to 60 degreed on either side of the vertical axis shall have no harmful effects) 測試環境:The enclosure is exposed to water spray from an oscillating tube nozzle, with each spray jet giving a flow rate of 0.07 l/min, for 10 minutes. Alternatively, a standardised spray nozzle, producing a spray of 10 l/min, may be used. If this spray nozzle is used, the exposure time is 1 min/m2, with a minimum of 5 minutes. Regardless of the type of test equipment, water spraying is limited to ±60° from the vertical. 4飛沫水的保護(Protected against splashing water) 各種方向的飛沫水,不會有有害的影響。 (Water splashed against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects) 測試環境:The enclosure is exposed to water spray from an oscillating tube, with each spray nozzle giving a flow rate of 0.07 l/min, for 10 minutes. Alternatively, a standardised spray nozzle, producing a spray of 10 l/min, may be used. If this spray nozzle is used, the exposure time is 1 min/m2, with a minimum of 5 minutes. Water is splashed against the enclosure from all directions. 5噴流水的保護(Protected against water jets)各種方向的直接噴流水,不會有有害的影響。 (Water projected in jets against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects) 測試環境:以內直徑6.3mm的噴嘴頭,濺潑每分鐘升的水流,距離在2.5~3m處,試驗所有的外殼面。測試時間為3分鐘。The enclosure is subjected to a jet of water from a 6,3 mm diameter nozzle at a distance of 2,5~3 m from the item under test. The water flow rate is 12,5 l/min, applied for a time of 1 min/m2, 遼寧下雪with a minimum of 3 minutes. 6 強力噴流水的保護 (Protected against powerful water jets)各種方向的直接強力噴流水,不會有有害的影響。(Water projected in powerful water jets against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects) 測試環境:以內直徑12.5mm的噴嘴頭,濺潑每分鐘100升的水流,距離在2.5~3m處,試驗所有的外殼面。測試時間為3分鐘。The enclosure is subjected to a jet of water from a 12,5 mm diameter nozzle at a distance of 2,5~3 m from the item under test. The water flow rate is 100 l/min, applied for a time of 1 min/m2, with a minimum of 3 minutes. 7 針對水中浸漬的保護 (Protected against the effects of temporary immersion in water)在規定的壓力、時間內水中浸漬,不會有有害的影響。(Ingress of water in quantities causing harmful effects shall not be possible when the enclosure is continuously immersed in water under standardized conditions of pressure and time) (陳坤成註: 水深1m壓力最大值為1.42PSI) 測試環境:外殼完全沒入水槽中。沒入最小深度1m,外殼頂面離水面最小深度15cm;測試時間為30分鐘。The test is made by completely immersing the enclosure in water in its service position.The enclosure is immersed to the depth of 1 metre with the duration time of 30 minutes. 8 針對水中沒入的保護 (Protected against the effects of continuous immersion in water)製造者與使用者協定下,依循一定的規定條件,連續的沒入場合,不會有有害的影響。基本上應高於No.7的規定。原則上是完全密閉的構造。 (Ingress of water in quantities causing harmful effects shall not be possible when the enclosure is continuously immersed in water under conditions which shall be agreed between manufacturer and user but which are more severe than for numeral 7) (陳坤成註: 要求4PSI可等於水深2.8米) 測試環境:外殼完全沒入水槽中。沒入深度和測試時間,是依循製造者和使用者的協議。The test is made by completely immersing the enclosure in water.Test condition 12-09冷氣團s are subject to agreement between manufacturer and user.
  NEMA Type rating UL Type rating CSA Type rating Apprx. IEC/IP classification 1 1 1 IP23 2 2 2 IP30 3 3 3 IP64 3R 3R 3R IP32 4 4 4 IP66 4X 4X 4X IP66 6 6 6 IP67 12 12 12 IP55 13 13 13 IP65

